Supporting artificial intelligence (machine learning and deep learning), parallel post-processing of very large data, and analysis of massive online data streams over distributed e-Infrastructures in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
The platform
Developing, training, sharing and deploying your model has never been easier!
Development environment
Get a Jupyter Lab environment to develop your model.
Train at scale
Browse and collaborate through the marketplace,submit your models to the EOSC resources, train and monitor their status.
Deploy as a service
Serve your models through a common HTTP endpoint, with automated deployment.

The project
Our project aims to prepare a new generation of e-infrastructures to support deep learning and other intensive computing techniques to exploit very large data sources.
- Cloud and HPC.
- Specialized services for intensive computing.
- Integration with EOSC-services

We work with all players in the data-science ecosystem:
- Data scientists.
- Industry and SMEs.
- Infrastructure and resource providers.
- Data providers
Our last news