A comprehensive platform for machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence in the European Open Science Cloud. Developing, training, sharing and deploying your model has never been easier.

A comprehensive platform for machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence in the European Open Science Cloud. Developing, training, sharing and deploying your model has never been easier.
Get a JupyterLab environment on 1 click, getting resources from the European Open Science Cloud.
Browse our marketplace, discover new models and publish your own.
Train your model on the EOSC, exploit last-generation computing infrastructures.
Deploy your model as a service. Massive horizontal scaling at ease.
You can get development resources, perform a training and make predictions with just 1 click. No need to worry about the infrastructure.
Get resources almost instantly from the available EOSC resource providers. Run on cloud resources or high performance computing facilities.
Leverage our CI/CD infrastructure to ensure that your model behaves as expected.
Get access to state-of-the-art resources from European distributed computing e-Infrastructures.
Publish your models through the marketplace. Deploy your models as services and share with your colleagues.
Leverage our standard API to expose your model. Deploy wherever you want, or use DEEP as a Service to get a scalable service for your model