We are thrilled to announce that we have published a new paper entitled “An information-centric approach for slice monitoring from edge devices to clouds” on Elsevier Procedia Computer Science.
The paper, that is published as Open Access and can be downloaded downloaded following its doi:10.1016/j.procs.2018.04.046, is authored by Binh Minh Nguyen, Huan Phan, Duong Quang Ha and Giang Nguyen, from the Institute of Informatics Slovak Academy of Sciences (IISAS) and the School of Information and Communication Technology in Hanoi.
Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) has enabled physical devices and virtual objects to be connected to share data, coordinate, and automatically make smart decisions to server people. Recently, many IoT resource slicing studies that allow managing devices, IoT platforms, network functions, and clouds under a single unified programming interface have been proposed. Although they helped IoT developers to create IoT services more easily, the efforts still have not dealt with the monitoring problem for the slice components. This could cause an issue: thing states could not be tracked continuously, and hence the effectiveness of controlling the IoT components would be decreased significantly because of updated information lack. In this paper, we introduce an information-centric approach for multiple sources monitoring issue in IoT. The proposed model thus is designed to provide generic and extensible data format for diverse IoT objects. Through this model, IoT developers can build smart services smoothly without worrying about the diversity as well as heterogeneity of collected data. We also propose an overall monitoring architecture for the information-centric model to deploy in IoT environment and its monitoring API prototype. This document also presents our experiments and evaluations to prove feasibility of the proposals in practice.